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LMA Handicap League table 2011

This page show the league table for the Indoor Handicap shoots.

The Handicap is constructed to allow all archers to compete against each other on a level footing no matter their experience or the style they shoot.

Indoor Handicap shoots are £2 per person. There is a monthly shoot and prize. Each monthly score counts to a total end of year score for a shield.

The tables below will list the members taking part in the league and the scores as well as current position in the league and the previous position.

LMA Handicap League table Rules 2011

  1. The round is to be shot on the last Friday meeting of each month at the Leisure Centre with the award being presented to the winner at the end of that meeting.
  2. The round will consists of 10 ends of 4 arrows shot at a 35cm target from the normal shooting line.
  3. The scoring system is X (scored as a 5), 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and miss.
  4. The archer is to pay the shoot fee on the night before shooting commences.
  5. The archer is allowed a maximum of 2 practice ends of 4 arrows before scoring begins.
  6. Any round not completed once the shoot has started (including practice arrows) will be recorded as DNF unless failure to finish is due to an unrecoverable equipment failure.
  7. A handicap will be awarded once the archer has shot 2 qualifying rounds (to be shot before starting the handicap competition (no fee)) by calculating the average score then using the handicap table.
  8. Once an archer has been awarded a handicap it may be adjusted using the handicap tables after each shoot by calculating the average score (rounded down) between their current handicap score and the actual shot score.
  9. If an archer changes style, they are to shoot two qualifying scores (No fee) to create a new handicap for the new style. This must be done before the archer may re-enter the monthly handicap competition.
  10. If a archer misses a shoot they must catch up (this score is not eligible for the monthly award) before being eligible for the next months handicap competition, however they may shoot their score in advance which will be eligible for the monthly award.
  11. The winner of the monthly handicap award will have their handicap adjusted down by 1 additional point until a handicap of 1 is achieved.
  12. A handicap can go both up and down during the year.
  13. The archers handicap will be carried over from the end of one year to the start of the new year.

At the end of each year main awards will be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in both the handicap adjusted and scratch score league tables.

2010 League

We have completed another year of the Handicap shoots ! All the scores are in and the winners are named below. The monthly winners were across a number of archers and it is interesting to see the range and the improvements of the scores as the year went on. .

Congratulations to the winners, as you can see it was a close run thing with Decembers weather delaying the final shoot due to the leisure centre being closed on the last week in December meaning we had to wait till now in January to get the final scores in.

The photos as promised !

Handicap Winners 2010

Sally Mattingley 1st Place 2010 Handicap Tournament
Colin Ketley 2nd Place 2010 Handicap Tournament
Dave Gray 3nd Place 2010 Handicap Tournament

Scratch Winners 2010

Mark Lunn 1st place 2010 Scratch Tournament
Peter Hatherley 2nd place 2010 Scratch Tournament
Yoke Lunn 3rd place 2010 Scratch Tournament

2011 has begun with new rules as noted above and in the newsletter, do come along and shoot it for the monthly prize as well as the chance to get your name on the years trophy. Well the tournamenrt got of to a slow start for some but a cracking start for a few see the scores below.

2012 Scores

Score Table ( includes handicap ) for 2011 – Months winner score in Red

Nathan Trew2472232212102031932102022062022011942512
Dave Gray1961882162091772121922182072122032052435
Sally Mattingley1741991951882022292022011942122152162427
Peter Hatherley1952011992031932042012042021982012002401
Jak Kent2041971901992002021982062031971972062399
Colin Ketley2001992002022011951902062022002051932393
Michael Mattingley1942072031732161961821861932161792192364
Ben Harler-Witts2132281922061961951791812061931989
Chris Gray1981951952152162092052012031837
Gethyn Friend186196172209763
Verity Lunn212208209629
Cath Trew211194211616
Kath Gray223201187611
Paul Watson205213192610
Rob Wood210199196605
Mark Lunn198203201602
Yoke Lunn196173206575
Sandra Jones170222392
Steve Thomas194194
Connor Harrison148148

 Scratch score table – the score you actually shot

Colin Ketley1951941951971971911841951941941981882322
Jak Kent1971921841881891911881951951901891972295
Peter Hatherley1881921901941841921911941941911931922295
Nathan Trew1711701781791781681831801851841841772137
Dave Gray1631531751761481711571711681751721742003
Michael Mattingley1471581561261551431271231241451161481668
Chris Gray1691661641821921931931982001657
Sally Mattingley8699958593120105104971121211281288
Ben Harler-Witts1291078394878364577363797
Mark Lunn188194193575
Paul Watson176186172534
Gethyn Friend131135109136511
Rob Wood173166163502
Yoke Lunn173149171493
Cath Trew132121135388
Kath Gray12010793320
Verity Lunn100102106308
Sandra Jones93167260
Kath Gray120107227
Steve Thomas183183
Connor Harrison9999