Llantwit Major Archers
Field archery since 1984
Field archery
Based in Llantwit Major with members from all around South East Wales. The club is affiliated to the WFAA – The Welsh Field Archery Association.
Club sessions
The club shoots all year round. During winter we are in our own indoor venue and in the summer we shoot out side on our field and forest.
Club bow masters
Grand bow masters
• Richard Doore
• Matthew Symmonds
• Nathan Trew
Senior Bow Master
• Teresa Goodwin
Bow Masters
• Colin Ketley
• Jon Noman

Beginners sessions
Are you interested in trying out a new sport that combines skill, focus, and fun? Llantwit Major Archery Club is excited to welcome new members of all ages and skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned archer or a complete beginner, our club offers a supportive and friendly environment to learn and practice archery.
What is field archery?
I am sure you have all seen Target Archery, a row of archers line up in a field and shoot at round targets in a line, the GNAS are the governing body of this type of archery and this is the sport that you see in the Olympics.
Field Archery is shooting mostly round targets but contrary to the name it is done in the woods.
A very common explanation for Field Archery is – imagine a Golf course – now put it in a wooded area (preferably a valley) that is pretty much what Field Archery is.
The course consists of two rounds of 14 targets, distances shot range from 20 feet to 80 yards. A competition is a total of 28 targets shot with 4 arrows each.
There are a number of different targets we shoot for different competitions, mostly they are round targets you would recognize. The two main ones are the Field target and the Hunter target.
There are other types of targets – 2D pictures of animals or even 3D targets.
Learn more about common shoot styles.

Club news
Archery beginners courses
Learn all the basics you need for joining an archery club from setting up your bow to range safety. …
Archery have a go day
Thanks to the local business N.T. Carpentry the archery have a go day from 1pm till 5pm today –…
Our own winter venue
The winter season has started and Llantwit Major Archers have their own winter venue for the 2024/20…
Outside season started
We’re back outside from 1st May and we’re on our new Acorn field.
Wednesday shoot at Sharp Equine
We’re excited to announce that we’re all set for our first shooting session at our new v…
Wednesday sessions back in rugby club
With the nights drawing in again, the Wednesday sessions are back in Llantwit Major rugby club start…